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The AustLit Australian Drama Archive

(Status : Public)
Coordinated by Australian Drama Archive
  • Musette Morell (1898-1950)

  • Musette Morell wrote for radio, mostly plays, but also for the ABC children's session, and for the New South Wales School Magazine. Contemporary newspapers said of her in 1940:

    Musette Morell is an Australian girl, of the fourth generation, of mixed Spanish and Irish blood— a potent mixture. Even as a child she I was literary. At 16 she had written lyrics to music, published by Chappie and Co. Since then she has written many children's verses and stories for "The Bulletin" and for the magazines, and she is the author of several radio plays, three of which have, been produced by the A.

    See full AustLit entry
  • The Plays

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-pink)

      His Gentle Art of Making Enemies

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-pink)

      The Quick and the Dead

  • Image Credits

    All images are in the public domain. They may have been modified for publication.

    His Gentle Art of Making Enemies

    James Abbott McNeill Whistler, Portrait of Whistler with Hat (self-portrait). 1858. Via Wikimedia Commons. Source

    The Quick and the Dead

    Handpop Bietebauw poppenspel Den Uyl (Hand puppet). Photograph by Erfgoedcel Brugge. CC BY-SA 3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons. Source

    Handpop Bietebauw poppenspel Den Uyl (Hand puppet). Photograph by Erfgoedcel Brugge. CC BY-SA 3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons. Source

    Handpop Bietebauw poppenspel Den Uyl (Hand puppet). Photograph by Erfgoedcel Brugge. CC BY-SA 3.0. Via Wikimedia Commons. Source

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