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Discover Australian Children's & Young Adult Fiction

(Status : Public)
  • Welcome to Children's and Young-Adult Literature on AustLit

    This page offers an overview of the history of children's and young-adult literature in AustLit, search options and pre-set searches, and access to selected research projects.
  • History of Children's and Young-Adult Literature on AustLit

  • Australian Children's Literature is an important aspect of AustLit's work in recording Australian literary history.

    As of early 2019, AustLit records details of well over 30,000 works for children, including more than 1500 full-text works, and an additional 5000 works for young adults.

  • Items from the CLDR

    AustLit's early records on children's literature were drawn from a range of resources and institutions.

    The LuRees Archives (now the National Centre for Australian Children's Literature), supported by the University of Canberra and the Children's Book Council of Australia, provided rich data under the guidance of Professor Belle Alderman.

    Deakin University Library and the School of Communication and Creative Arts at Deakin generously contributed collections of data around school magazines and readers.

    From these sources, a collection of biographical and bibliographical records about children's literature and its practitioners was added to AustLit.

    In 2008, Queensland University of Technology (QUT) joined AustLit. Together with existing partner Deakin University, they initiated the Children's Literature Digital Resources (CLDR) project, producing a full-text digital repository of children's literature from 1830 to 1945 and related critical resources.

    Researchers subsequently built two additional research projects on Australian children's literature: Asian-Australian Children's Literature and Publishing, and Children's Literature and the Environment.

  • Looking for more information? Read all about AustLit.

  • Search for Works or Authors

  • Use the box below for a keyword search, or use Advanced Search for more targeted and complex searches.

  • young adult (YA) fiction works with teaching notes and resources
    children's fiction BlackWords + children's and young adult
    picture books graphic novels
    example topic: climate change example topic: disability

    Read on for more information about AustLit’s role in recording and supporting research into Australian children's literature.

  • Exhibitions, Information Trails, and Research Projects

  • AustLit regularly collates specific subsets of our data and presents them as online exhibitions or information trails. We also support and publish research projects by AustLit staff and external researchers.

    Explore the tiles below for children's literature exhibitions.

    For other exciting projects of interest, including 'Writing Disability', 'Climate Change Narratives', and more, visit AustLit's Research pages.

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-turquoise)

      Children's Literature & the Environment

    • (Scheme : #85c1b9)

      The Picture Book Diet

    • (Scheme : #85c1b9)

      AustLit for Schools

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : #85c1b9)

      Shakespeare for Young Adults

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-turquoise)

      Aboriginal Literature for Children

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-turquoise)

      Asian-Australian Children's Lit.

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-turquoise)

      Children's Lit. Digital Resource

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-turquoise)

      Victorian Readers

    • (Display Format : Landscape)
      (Scheme : scheme-turquoise)

      WWI Stories for Younger Readers

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