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AustLit for Schools
An Essential Resource
(Status : Public)
Coordinated by Teaching
  • 700
  • Welcome to AustLit for Schools 

  • Use AustLit to explore the many ways Australians tell, retell, and think about stories. Find biographical and bibliographical information about thousands of authors and works, and explore curated content relating to Australia's cultural history.

  • What is AustLit?

    AustLit is...

    • bibliographical and biographical database about historical and contemporary Australian stories and their creators

      • fiction, non-fiction, criticism, drama, poetry, film and television, picture books, graphic novels, children's and young adult fiction

    • an extensive record of secondary sources about Australian stories

      • including literary criticism, book reviews, newspapers articles, teaching resources, online exhibitions

    • an essential resource for embedding Aboriginal storytelling into education

      • BlackWords explores Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander storytelling history, biographies, cultural heritage, with exclusive teaching resources

  • We provide...


    Support for Learning Areas

    Here, we have provided support and additional resources based on the Australian Curriculum's sample and recommended texts lists. We identify Australian alternatives and/or versions of international texts, and offer resources to further the study of Australian texts in the classroom.

  • and...


    Our own suggestions for classroom study

    Here we our own make suggestions for Australian texts to study, including fantasy, drama, young adult novels and more. We also provide resources to support our suggestions.

  • as well as...


    Opportunities for developing digital literacy

    We are an excellent site for both students and teachers to develop digital literacy skills and database competency. We have developed a series of lesson outlines that use the AustLit database to guide students through progressively more complex research tasks. The lesson guides encourage digital literacy and database competency in the contained space of the AustLit database.

    Access 'Developing Digital Literacy through AustLit'

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